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43#crochet barefoot波西米亚纯棉钩花脚链婚礼脚花舞蹈配饰脚链
- 材质:其他
- 颜色分类:白色
- 风格:波西米亚
- 适用性别:女
- 图案:植物花卉
- 价格区间:10-19.99元
中文关键词: 全棉钩花脚链 光脚凉鞋 瑜伽肚皮舞脚链 凉鞋配饰
英文关键词:crochet barefoot sandals wedding anklets beach anklets shoes ornament ankle bracelet
"I really have no idea. It makes me a LOT more unique than the guys around me, because I'm the only one I know who wears one. (I'm straight by the way.)"
"Anklets give me more of a "summery" look, and it helps with the beach look if you've got a tan skin tone."
"For most, it is just a piece of jewelry for show. However, it can be known that a woman with a wedding band and an anklet on her right ankle symbolizes her as a hotwife. A hotwife is a married woman who enjoys sexual freedoms outside her marriage with her husband's enthusiastic approval and willing encouragment."
产品材质: 全棉
产品重量:10-20 克/对
产品尺寸: ONE SIZE FITS ALL 因为绑腿的棉绳都有30-50公分,基本再胖的妹子也都轻松穿的。
Here comes the baby ------
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